Tuesday, July 10, 2012

WebDAV made easy on the iPad

Have you ever wished you could easily share your Keynote, Pages, or Numbers iOS documents to another device without having to email them or share them via iCloud and iTunes? Luckily Apple does allow these applications to be shared via a WebDAV server, but setting up a WebDAV server can be a daunting task. Why not use Box.com? That is what I do! Box.com allows you to easily set up WebDAV access with a Box account, simply register for a box account either on your desktop via the browser or download the app on your iOS device or any other device that supports Box with an app such as Android.

After you set up your Box.com account open any iOS application that supports sharing via WebDAV such the iWorks applications or even GoodReader on the iPad. All you need to do is setup the URL for the WebDAV servers as:
For the username and password use your Box.com email address that you used to sign up for your account and your Box.com password.

That is it. Simple and all this can easily be accomplished in under 5 minutes.

Apps in the video:
Pages - Apple

Keynote - Apple

Numbers - Apple

Box for iPhone and iPad - Box.net, Inc.


If you have any questions you can email me using the contact button below or contact me via Twitter @totalipad.