Thursday, November 29, 2012

Is the iPad 4 twice as fast as the iPad 3?

In short yes! And this video will prove it:

In the long version of what I have to say: yes!

And here’s why: After just two days and very little usage on the iPad 4, it is very evident to me I have a new iPad in my hands with a speedier processor. For the conspiracy theorists out there, the video is nice to have, but that could have easily been altered.

The long of why I upgraded

It should be noted that I was very skeptical about the potential performance boost out of an iPad 4 when compared to an iPad 3. I’ve had my iPad 3 since early August. Then when Apple announced an iPad 4 in September, I think it was my district manager who told me of the announcement, I look at him Seinfeld style and pushed him on the shoulder like Elaine did so well and said, “No way! Get out!”

I wasn’t that shocked or “taken aback” by the announcement. I wasn’t mad that I had just purchased an iPad 3. I was just floored by how Apple stepped up and flew the middle finger in the face of and all the crystal ball hags out there.

I had been waiting for a new iPhone to come out for about a year. I mean, the 4S came out at the beginning of my wait, but I wasn’t too keen on moving from Android to iOS for my phone on the platform and frame of an already one year old phone. I wanted a new experience from Apple, so I waited with my HTC EVO patiently; very patently, indeed, did I wait. Then, in early August, I dropped my EVO on the ground and shattered the glass. Believe it or not, the phone still worked great and really didn’t look bad until you powered it down and then it was horrific looking. Everybody told me, “Go to the Jewelry Care Center at the mall, he’ll fix it.” I would always respond, “No thank, I’m waiting for my new iPhone 5 to pop out of Cupertino!” It took almost 50 days from the time I broke my phone until the announcement and then another five weeks or so before I was able to find an iPhone 5.

But, I was patient.

What made me impatient is when my wife went to her recently deceased grandmother’s home in Virginia, 500 miles away, and for some reason we couldn’t call each other. We could call anybody else, just not each other. When she got home, I forced the matter! We bought two iPhone 5’s on day one of her being home! Period.

The cable

I hate cables. I was a trucker for 17 years and I am used to wires, but I still have a hatred for charging cables. Essentially, I purchased an iPad 4 so I could have the same connecter as the iPhone 5 - that sounds so freak’n stupid doesn’t it? I must admit, these are “First World Problems” like I’ve never seen. We could start memes on this reason for buying an iPad 4, but it is the truth. I didn’t buy the iPad 4 for any other reason than cable parity with the iPhone 5.

The Speed Difference

Something happened last night. I noticed on the iPad how much more snappy that new A6 processor is from the A5. I think processor parity might be a good reason to go from the 3 to the 4, as well. I had noticed on the iPad 3 where the Retina, my guess, was slowing the machine down in certain instances. Maybe that’s an oversimplification of the matter, but in the iPad 4 there is no hesitation whatsoever. The A6 does make a difference. From everything like browsing with Safari, to opening and scrolling in G+, FlipBoard, ect., ect., the A6 makes a considerable difference. The difference isn’t just in opening apps. I don’t mind waiting another .5 second or 1 second to open an app. But, I’m talking about the “in app experience.” I honestly thought that Apple was full of marketing bunk when I read the “double your speed over the A5” babble! However, they are for real about it!

So, in the long and short, if you do like I did and sell off your iPad 3 to a friend who must not have the best and newest shiny thing for a $100 hit, I believe in my heart of hearts it’s worth the price of admission to upgrade from the 3 to the 4. My hit was really more than that, because I did go from a 16 GB 3 to a 32 GB 4, but you get the picture.

This post was sent in by Wilson Hines.

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