Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do you jailbreak your iOS devices?

This is just a short video on if you Jailbreak your iOS devices or not? I recently did but I am honestly not seeing any compelling reason to have done so. Is it nice to take total control over a device I purchased? Yes. Is it something I would recommend to others? No.

I am interested in hearing why you Jailbreak your devices, what JB apps do you like or recommend?

If you don't Jailbreak I'd like to know why not? Are you against it? Don't want to void a warranty?

Please comment on my YouTube page where I have this video uploaded: LINK HERE.

If you do not use YouTube then let me know on Twitter @iCrizzo.





I jailbroke my device using Evais0n, you can download that app for Mac here:

1 comment:

  1. [...] Siri but not available in his country. If you are a reader of Total iPad then you might have read my post asking if you “jailbreak” your iOS devices, Bojan’s answer was excellent and proves that sometimes “jailbreaking” a device [...]
