Thursday, August 2, 2012

Other data on your iPad

Have you ever connected your iPad to your computer and wondered what the 'Other' space was?



If you sync a lot of documents to applications like GoodReader, DragNSync, or anything other application that reads external files, your storage use on your iPad will increase.

You can remove some of your data on your iPad by doing the following:

  1. Open Settings >

  2. General >

  3. Usage > Tap the button labeled 'Show All Apps'

You will now see the name of each application installed on your iPad and how much storage space that application is using. If you tap on the application name you will get additional information such as the version number, the total amount of storage the application is using as well as how much storage space is being used by the applications 'Documents & Data'.


From this screen you can delete the application and remove all of the data on the iPad that might be using up valuable storage space or you can open the application and remove some of the data stored within the application. You will notice in the screen shot above Instatcast is only 5.4MB but the application is actually using up 2.7GB of storage space on my iPad. I could open up Instacast and delete some of the podcast that I have downloaded in the application and it would give me back some of my storage space on my iPad.

After you delete some of the data on your iPad if a large amount of 'Other' data remains that means that a file or data on the iPad  is most likely corrupt. To remove that corrupt data you would need to backup your iPad and then do a complete restore of your iPad. After the restore you can recover all your data from your previous backup. For instructions on how to backup and restore your iPad via iCloud please see this article.


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